Monday, June 30, 2008

Tour de PCH

The 95th Tour de France starts July 5th thru July 27th, 2008. Cee's dad (my younger brother) did his annual bike ride (LA-San Diego... sort of a mini version of Tour de France) with his colleagues yesterday. An enthusiastic & brave group of three (ten initially signed up) bike riders trailed along the Pacific Coast to San Diego. Then a train ride back to Los Angeles. My brother lives for marathons & bike rides. He even had his wedding ceremony in front of the Sports Arena at the 10th Los Angeles Marathon. Both bride & groom ran the race together (yes - hand & hand) to the finish line. TEEmazing event!!!

A couple of years ago, my bother (Lance Armstrong devotee) did the California Coast bike trail from Crescent City to Los Angeles. What a TEErific & awesome adventure!!! For more bicycle travel and online journals. check out Adventure Cycling Association.

Happy Trails!!!

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