Monday, July 7, 2008

Livin' Large the UNICAT Way

Got buko bucks?

RVing & off road adventures in a "garbage truck" camper.......

YouTube video by mahalodotcom

The UNICAT featured in the video gets 8 miles per gallon and about $800 to fill the twin 120 gallon tank. Let see with current rising gas prices, monthly payment, multi purpose (RV, boat etc) insurance and routine maintenance costs......whoa - just got a brain freeze.

The interior has a good functional design & TEErifically well decorated - the cliche "don't judge the book by its cover" applies. The UNICAT has vehicles designed for the individual, professional (i.e. disaster response) and special needs (handicapped). The company also offers special travel tours with a UNICAT team.

Maybe this is where all the garbage trucks go when it is time to retire...... LOL

Happy Trails!!!

photos taken from the manufacturer's website UNICAT

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